Church Membership
Categories of Membership
Grace Fellowship has two categories of members: "Local Members" and "Media Members".
1. Local Membership
The Bible teaches involvement in a local church. This involves regular on-site participation and support. If you are interested in becoming an official LOCAL MEMBER of Grace Fellowship, please review "Membership" (Article 5) of Grace Fellowship's By-laws. Then simply fill out the Membership Form and turn it in to the church office or leadership. We look forward to presenting you as the newest LOCAL MEMBER of our church FAMILY!
2. Media Membership
Local Membership is the type of membership modeled in the New Testament. Unfortunately, many are unable to attend a local church for reasons such as distance, health, and caretaker responsibilities. Some live in cities where there is no church or where they cannot find a healthy church to support and be involved. For those who cannot attend locally but regularly participate in Grace Fellowship's online services and who consider Grace Fellowship to be their home church, they may join by becoming a "Media Member". The qualifications for Media Membership are the same as Local Members except that their participation is online, and they are excluded from the right to vote. Media Members must be eighteen years of age or older to join. If you are not a member of another church and are interested in becoming an official MEDIA MEMBER of Grace Fellowship, review "Membership" (Article 5) of Grace Fellowship's By-Laws. Then simply fill out the Membership Form, write "Media Member" across the top, and return it to the church office or leadership. We look forward to presenting you as the newest MEDIA MEMBER of our Grace Fellowship family!